DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
John nutley Portrait of a border town4
John Nutley

John Nutley


Portrait of a border town

Due to the troubles since the 1960s and the development of the hard border, my town like so many of the other border towns received bad press both nationally and internationally on TV, radio and the newspapers. This publicity developed an opinion that the smuggling of guns and bombs and the laundering of fuel was rampant in the border town areas. Under this backdrop, the idea of this project is to create a group of photographs that would show a narrative about a small country town that seems to be caught between the borders of two different territories. I feel that the Government consider us less favourable when it comes to infrastructure, employment and the general need for a small town to survive. With the placement of Brexit looming and the treating return of a hard border, one can’t help but think will the smuggling and all of the other activities that are associated with the border area will return and create even more negativity. I wanted to show what my town and its inhabitants are really like, how their entrepreneurial hands have always kept them above the poverty line in order to survive.

John Nutley

John Nutley

DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018