DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
bushra ismail rayze 01
Bushra Ismail

Bushra Ismail

085 111 7878


The aim of the project was towards solving the problem that nurses suffer from back related injuries due to manual handling tasks, specifically fall recovery. This results in an increase of risks for both user and caretaker. This product is designed to act as a support guide for patients. A product that can help assist the nurses in lifting up the patient into a position where it is easy to lift them from. It should reduce the pushing/pulling that usually occurs in the process of lifting/repositioning a patient. The final concept is a fold-able chair board, the beginning position is the product lying flat on the ground, once the patient is then lying on top of it, and we can move the seat to make the seat intact. With the help of hinges, parts are allowed to rotate.

Bushra Ismail

Bushra Ismail

085 111 7878
DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018