DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
Kelly Mc Guinness

Kelly Mc Guinness

087 670 2974


Aura is a product that relieves a dog’s anxiety through scent, comfort and confinement. Aura offers a comfortable and safe place for the dog to go in times of stress.
The use of the owner’s scent within the dog bed and diffusing diluted lavender essential oil relieves a dog’s anxiety and attracts the dog towards the product in times of stress to relax. The owner’s scent reminds the dog of their owner when they’re absent and gives them a feeling of safety. Diffusing lavender essential oil has a calming effect on dogs, and dogs experiencing anxiety may benefit from it.
Aura is a product that is as attractive to the owner as it is for the dog. The design is aesthetically pleasing and the physical look of Aura invites the owner to locate the product anywhere within the home so it can blend in as a piece of furniture.

Kelly Mc Guinness

Kelly Mc Guinness

087 670 2974
DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018