DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
Gavin Moore

Gavin Moore

087 974 2357

PEP (Prescribed Exercise Prompt)

The aim of ‘PEP’ is to remove the decision-making process from the user leading up to performing their exercises, which is often the main barrier to adherence. This is achieved with the use of projections of instructional exercise videos, activating as an alarm at a pre-decided time. This automatically reminds the user to begin their exercise routine at the same time daily, eventually leading the activity to become a habit. Motion capture technology then measures the users exercise form through skeleton tracking. Through the connected application, this motion capture information is then evaluated against desired exercise form for each exercise and user progression is recorded. Progression and proof of exercise effectiveness in alleviating pain is one of the most powerful forms of motivation and drives the user to continue interaction with ‘PEP’. The application also acts as a constant connection method between the user and their medical practitioner/physiotherapist ensuring users don’t outgrow their exercise programmes.

Gavin Moore

Gavin Moore

087 974 2357
DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018