DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
Rachael Ryan Product DesignCopy of Rachael Ryan Ground Opt03
Rachael Ryan

Rachael Ryan

086 245 9249


Ground is a sustainable, simple solution that utilises coffee waste by moulding it into seedling pots. It is now becoming a trend for coffee shops to leave out bags of used coffee for their customers to take home to fortify their soil. This device can be used with any sort of excess coffee, be it made at home or collected from a café.

As coffee is one of the largest traded commodities in the world, on average a coffee shop produces 10kg of coffee waste every day. It aims to reduce the amount of overall waste associated with home gardening. Ground aims to reduce the number of plastic pots manufactured and use the valuable resource to make an ecological gardening product. These pots can be planted straight into the ground to biodegrade.

Ground aims to provoke awareness in users, not only to reuse waste in a positive way but to also be conscious of how much plastic we go through as individuals and as a society. This product is an example of good sustainable practices, being efficiently manufactured and using recyclable materials such as beech, aluminium and steel.

Rachael Ryan

Rachael Ryan

086 245 9249
DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018