DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
ailbhe diskin from sheep to sheep06
Ailbhe Diskin

Ailbhe Diskin


Sheep to Sheep

“Sheep to Sheep” is a book that focuses on the craft of felt-making, and the work of Jamie Lewis in the Wool Felt Shop on Benburb Street. The content of this book was inspired by a conversation that took place with Jamie in his shop. The book represents a paradoxical yet parallel narrative. The front pages show the artful craft of felt-making and what goes on inside the shop. However, there is a hidden narrative located in a series of gate-folds. These tell the story of the wool that makes its way from England, where it is processed, to Ireland where it is crafted into beautiful objects. This story reveals that Irish craftspeople that work with wool are often forced to seek supplies from abroad due to the fact that there are very few wool processors left in Ireland.

Ailbhe Diskin

Ailbhe Diskin

DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018