DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
jenny levey CTRL ALT DEL 2
Jenny Levey

Jenny Levey

087 622 7223


As I began to create a narrative and series of artefacts to represent the identity of a future Mars citizen a very real question began to emerge. If humans successfully land and inhabit Mars how will this new colony create their own sense of identity? As everything from banking to our identity systems moves online, how will a community made up of many different nationalities define who they are collectively as a unified community?

This question brought me to create a narrative focused on a future young Mars politician who is asking his community “who we are offline?” A utopia created on technology but what happens if there is a crash, who are they then? In his election campaign, Marshall Bryne is asking his community to take back control (ctrl), alter a future secure reality for themselves (alt) and delete the lingering question of who they are offline (del).

Jenny Levey

Jenny Levey

087 622 7223
DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018