DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018
Ciara wilson Found object project5
Ciara Wilson

Ciara Wilson

085 150 3090

Found object project

This was one of our second year displays that took place. The idea behind this was less use of money and more use of our creativity. We were told to find a used object ( something recyclable or something you would find in the streets) and turn it into a piece of clothing or a prop for display. I chose to make a throw/ jacket out of empty egg cartons. My window was based fashion, there for I added jewels to the face and a silver/grey wig. With splashes of paint on the trouser being in fashion at that time I decided to add splashes of white paint to the egg carton jacket after painting it blue to match the jeans. Over all, I wanted my window to be trendy, fashionable and looking like a 'Rock chick'.

Ciara Wilson

Ciara Wilson

085 150 3090
DIT Graduate Exhibition 2018