Magdalena Kajzar
The purpose of this report attempts to gather an insight into the reasoning behind the increase in the discarding of clothing by consumers. Analysing consumer behaviour for answers, following an investigation conducted into garment care and the laundry process. Due to interesting insights gathered into user motivation and pain points within the laundry process, a solution was designed in the form a product to combat these issues. The aim of this concept is to act as a preventative measure of washing machine breakdown and clothing damage as a result of excess laundry detergent used during the laundry process. As well as that, the concept aims to increase user motivation towards the laundry process by providing an easy, convenient and time-saving method of correctly portioning laundry detergent. Minimizing detergent waste is not only a financial benefit for the consumer, but it prevents excess amounts of detergent from being wasted and focuses on a potential sustainability aspect of the product.