Yuwen Xing
yuwenxing1998@gmail.com Instagram
Project 2: Project
Invisible Cities is a novel by Italian writer Italo Calvino. The story describes: In the novel, Marco Polo arrives at the palace of the aging Kublai Khan and tells him about the cities he has seen and visited in the empire. The "invisible city" is a nonexistent city, but perfect, living in the mind of (Marco Polo or Kublai Khan), made up of all the different qualities of imperfect cities.
The book discusses many profound issues such as environmental protection, ecological balance, life and death. Through the dialogue between Khan and Marco Polo, readers have a new reflection on the context of the city. In this project, the elements of the wild city depicted by Marco Polo are extracted, and the ‘Invisible Cities’ is rebuilt using text and simple images to feel the charm of the city described by the author Italo Calvino.