

My main interest had always been in directing but over the course of my final two years of college in various production roles I gained a greater understanding and appreciation of other roles that I may have previously overlooked, in particular post sound. 

My long-standing interest in visual design was made apparent when I carried out my role as a director of photography and costume designer on two of the third-year films. These experiences solidified my passion lies in art direction. As a result, I put myself forward for the position of art director on Last Moments, one of our final-year graduate films. While challenging in many ways I enjoyed every aspect of it and learnt a great deal about collaboration and self-expression. Combined with my lifelong love for art and film I would like to pursue art direction professionally whereby I can make the viewer feel as I do through personalised visual storytelling. 

Knick Knack—Post Sound; Last Moments—Lead Art Director; Robbie Rents a Room—Post Sound