

My name is Johann-Dorian Gudenus and I have been playing video games since the age of 6! It all started when I was given a Gameboy Advanced with Pokémon Emerald in it, and since then I have played a huge number of games, and spent countless hours with my friends, sharing laughs, tears and intense heat-of-the-battle moments together. In the projects I have worked on across my 4-year university course I was mainly responsible for Game- & Level-Design, as well as having a great interest in our Narrative modules, which is why I aspire to become a Lead Game Designer, or a Game Director. I have a lot of experience working within Unity and C#, and have an understanding of Unreal and its blueprint system. Furthermore, I already gained industry experience thanks to my employment at Activision, in which I work as a QA Language Lead for the german localisation team; working on game builds, as well as preproduction. LinkedIn