

Weight Safe

Weight Safe is a storage solution for commercial gyms, that will increase the efficiency of the gym space while solving the issue of users not tidying up weight plates after they’re used. It is in essence a storage solution the holds bumper plates which are all the same diameters. It will hold eight of these plates, two 5kg, four 10kg and two 20kg plates. It will be operated using RFID which will release a lock and allow the arm on the top to move back. This arm will then lock in a backwards position. When all the weight plates are placed back into the box in the correct position, four load cell sensors will detect the overall load of 90kg and will allow the arm to be moved back to the original position.  

There will one of these storage solutions at each exercise station for example at each squat rack and at each plate loaded machine. Therefore, only one person will be able to use a set of weights at one time at a certain station, therefore when they’re done, they have to put away the weights to move onto the next station. This will decrease the amount of time users spend at each exercise station as they won’t have to look for specific weight plates or clean up after the person beforehand, and it will increase the amount of people who can user a station within a specific time frame.