


FloFriend Dispenser

The FloFriend dispenser is an inclusive sanitary product dispenser designed to provide young females with sanitary products and essential items they may need to use if they begin menstruating while in school, free of charge. Currently, there is no adequate support or sanitary towels provided in Primary School bathrooms. By the age of 13, 7 in 10 girls have had their first menstrual cycle in Ireland. 50% of females in Ireland have suffered with Period Poverty at some stage in their teens (12-19), while 61% of young girls have missed school due to their period. The lack of resources and support can make the experience of menstruation a very daunting and stigmatised topic for young girls, especially if they experience their first menstrual period in school and alone.  

The dispenser will provide sanitary towels, wipes and ‘emergency’ disposable underwear to ensure that girls feel supported and at ease if they do begin to menstruate in school. The aim of the FloFriend dispenser is not only to ensure girls are provided with sanitary products, but also to create a positive relationship between young females and their menstrual cycles, by implementing a safe space to retrieve sanitary products. The project aim is to address the negative stigma associated to menstruation in Ireland, specifically within Primary schools by normalising menstruation and sanitary products. This project also aims to tackle Period Poverty which is a prominent issue in Ireland.