

Brónagh McCabe, is a student designer and artist. With a desire to work across many mediums from physical to digital, she has focused her work on matters personal to her and the people of her generation covering topics like public transport, climate change, digital escapism, identity and personal accountability through a variety of forms, from animation to typographic publication to photography. She looks forward to growing further and learning even more about design, herself and the world around her as she takes on more challenges in the future.  

The Journey Ahead

This animation brief provided by the RSA challenges us to consider how to make the message its message of personal accountability for our collective future more accessible. Taking on the form of a moss ball, an organism endangered due to pollution from excess agricultural waste, this conceptual animation shows we all have something put forward in the conversation of regenerative futures, even if it’s just the size of a moss ball. 

No Longer/Not Yet: Liminality and Busarás

Taking on the ISTD Student brief of The Spaces Between with a focus on the individual experience of a liminal space, this publication takes the reader into the daily routine of traversing Busarás bus station in Dublin. Utilizing the text Non-Places: An Introduction to Supermodernity by Marc Augé alongside secondary texts on liminality from The Atlantic and The New Yorker, as well as personally transcribed audio scripts from within Busarás over the winter of 2022, this publication invites the audience to consciously take in the spaces we mindlessly cross through. By grounding oneself in the moment we open our eyes to spaces never seen before.