Grad X

Maeve Bogan

I am 22 years old and currently studying furniture design. I live at home with my parents Lorraine and CiarĂ¡n alongside my two siblings, Dara, my older sister and my twin brother Stephen, not to forget my two dogs. Throughout my time in secondary school, I had always had a liking for art but knew that fine art was not going to be my future career choice. Initially deciding to study Interior Design, without the knowledge that furniture design would fall under the course description. I have always had somewhat of a handy side and have never minded building or assembling. So, when I had the opportunity to make the decision to specialize in furniture design, in my mind it was an easy choice, which has led me to here.


This project is based on the personal journey I have experienced in the last couple of years with migraines. Using the sensation of nausea as a focal point. For me personally, when I am dealing with a migraine, it comes in waves for me. This is where the aesthetic of my project has come from. To create a visual representation and use furniture to show this. To play on the comfort aspect of furniture, and all the while still conforming to the comfort aspect of furniture, discomfort in comfort, which is the exact sensation that happens when we experience migraines.