Grad X

Alicia Donnan

I am a visual artist currently living in Dublin. In my photographic practice, I believe it is important to represent what life is like for queer youth in Dublin and young people growing up in Ireland affected by the housing crisis. I use a point-and-shoot camera in nightclubs and events, as it is easy to carry and aligns me with the practices of other photographers, whose values and communities are similar to mine. I take care to be truthful in representing my outlook when taking on board people's preferences when being represented through my photography. Taking time to gain insight into who people are and communicating clearly the vision for a shoot, helps me to create a successful set of images. I also believe careful research and preparation are essential, to help me to achieve what I set out to photograph. 

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Homebird is a photographic project that aims to represent the deep connections that exist between home and place. In this project, I capture the beauty of intimate, everyday moments that evoke feelings of being at home and how these feelings are resonant in particular places. Focusing on the three locations where I have lived (a small commuter town, a farm in the countryside, and Dublin City), this project connects me to my past and to what each of these homes mean to me. I explore how all of these places have shaped me, and the bonds I have with both the people in my life and with Ireland itself. Nonetheless, I question why I am compelled to continue living here with the current housing crisis and the cost of living, which has forced so many other young people to emigrate.