Grad X

Sinéad Tarmey

I am a visual artist from the West of Ireland. I use my photography and art to express both my inner world and the way I see and interact with the world. Release and catharsis, as well as a freedom of expression are all vital elements to my practice and have been apparent in all of my work thus far. There is healing and an odd sense of comfort to be found in my photography. My work aims to represent the internal workings of our minds in order to help others feel seen and understood by my work. I celebrate the irreverent, uncomfortable and unconventional throughout my practice.

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‘Decongregation’ deals with the surprisingly quick way in which untended spaces can go into disrepair, subsequently being reclaimed by nature. The space photographed served as an institution for people with disabilities who have now left to live in community-based living. The project includes images from the different stages of decomposition of the various locations around the institution, from the domestic bungalows to the various communal spaces such as canteens and sensory therapy rooms. The spaces possess a distinct liminality, they are strikingly preserved in their own time. The passage of time is a key theme in this artistic exploration. The viewer is brought along the maze of empty halls and rooms filled with pastels and abandoned medical equipment. A core element of this project is the emphasis on representing the uncomfortable sensations of what it is like being in the space. The liminal and subtle abject nature of this location is the main motif that connects all of these images together, the ambient and calmer vistas as well as the harsh and unappealing scenes.