Grad X

Kacper Ufniarz

Kacper is a Dublin-based designer who specialises in thoughtful experience design and precise typography. Having loved design since a young age, it was his dream to study Visual Communication. Passionate about finding a problem and creating a solution for it, Kacper loves to create visually satisfying experiences that leave viewers with an emotional and memorable encounter. Finding joy in typography, publication design and digital design, he is always passionate about his work. He is also interested in photography and has learned many valuable lessons having been the Chairperson of the TU Dublin Photography Society. Kacper hopes to utilise his education at TU Dublin to solve problems and create wonderful experiences for viewers and users all around the world. 

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Won Węglu / No Coal

Won Weglu/No Coal is a campaign which utilises typographical posters and a dynamic website to connect to the target audience (of Polish people born between 1960–1980) on a personal level, to invoke a sense of urgency about the climate crisis in Poland. It specifically targets the use of coal and the climate crisis related inaction from the government, through the juxtaposition of a patriotic poem, well known to all Polish people, and utilising it in an unusual way to create a shock factor. This project was submitted to D&AD New Blood. 

Vowels Were Late to the Party

Vowels Were Late to the Party is a publication which explores the evolution of our alphabet. It follows the history of the letters from the Phoenician alphabet, through the Greek, and finally ends on our well-known Roman letters. The publication uses a structured layout with visual treats and flourishes to ease a historical topic to appeal to a wider audience. With the forms of the letters blown up to a large size and placed against each other, viewers can see the clear progression of our letter forms through history, with some interesting surprises occurring. This project was submitted to ISTD.