Grad X

Liam Creaner

As a visual communications student, my studies have taken me through a wide range of design disciplines, from traditional print media to digital platforms. I believe that every project has a unique narrative, and my goal is to bring that story to life through engaging graphics, compelling typography, and thoughtful layouts. What excites me most is UX/UI design, where I get to combine my passion for design with the challenge of creating intuitive, user-friendly interfaces.

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The Irish Picture Palace

My project seeks to frame a real-world situation where in the relevance of cinemas is under scrutiny. By studying the evolution of picture palaces from their beginning in Ireland to contemporary local cinemas, this project’s aim is to highlight the value that these spaces hold in shaping community identity and creating that sense of community itself. Through this project, I hope to define a clear insight into the life of cinemas and identify opportunities to look at and see where and why they have such a cultural impact on society. 

At The Bomb Testing Site

The aim of this project is to raise awareness about the environmental and ecological repercussions of nuclear testing, using the poem "At the bomb testing site" as a creative medium. By leveraging the metaphorical significance of the lizard, the project seeks to underscore the interconnectedness of ecosystems, emphasizing that the impact of such events extends beyond the immediate environment to affect all living beings, including humans. Looking at the all the different challenges our world faces at the moment made me want to make sure people start talking about this issue again. I seek to start the converstation again around nuclear power, testing bombs and the circumstances that may come from it. Through my video, I want people to feel the grom despair that it can cause. I will follow this up by creating posters and pamphlets that people can take once leaving their viewing of the short film so others may see them. The video seeks to foster a sense of shared vulnerability and responsibility for the well-being of the planet.