Ben Thornton
The lack of efficient sound and language exposure experienced by deaf children not only effects their ability to communicate, but also has knock-on effects in regards to other aspects of cognitive development, such as emotional expression, theory of mind deficits, social understanding, and unoriginal imagination content.
Nokta is a smart device that has been developed with the aim of bridging the gap in cognitive development between deaf children and children of normal hearing ability. It does this by giving the user the ability to learn sign language forms independently without having to be thought and also allows them to bring their creations into another dimension.
To learn sign language all the child has to do is take a photo. Nokta’s image recognition software will then recognize objects in the environment and relay these objects back to the user in the form of sign language animations.
Creativity and imagination content can be enhanced through Nokta’s one of a kind creative interface. Here the child can use various tools to draw up creations, then with the use of fully customizable LEDs and vibration motors, they can bring these creations to life in ways they haven’t been able to before.