

Hi, my name is Ian Mallin and I’m a final-year student at TU Dublin studying Film and Broadcasting. Throughout the course, I’ve developed a keen interest in Sound in film, both Location Recording and Post Audio editing. I’ve also directed two short films within the course, one being one of the Graduate films this year Last Moments. Being on set is exactly how I want to spend my time, it’s engaging, fun and most importantly for me it presents a constant source of new, dynamic challenges and opportunities to experiment. 
As I graduate, I hope to move into Location and Post Sound in professional roles. It is an area in film and broadcasting that is often overlooked but is immensely vital to any project. An audience can suffer through a bad picture. No one sits through bad sound. I have been a Location Sound Recordist on Sense of May one of the 4th year films and Blue Flag a 3rd year film. I have also done Post sound on many films both inside the course and outside college.