

I have always been a very indecisive person which has aided my love for filmmaking to grow when I joined the course and realised just how many elements and possibilities can work together to bring a story to life. Throughout the course, I have jumped between writing, directing and editing roles, but have found a love for the visual areas including cinematography, lighting and colour grading. It has been a wonderful journey of endless problem-solving and creative storytelling, pooling ideas and achieving great goals as a collective. I am absolutely honoured to have worked with the amazingly talented individuals in this course and am looking forward to seeing where the future will take us. 

The Princess and The Problematic Parenting—Nominated for the RTS Republic of Ireland Student Awards 2022 
Madame Machine Monday—Awarded under the Entertainment and Comedy category of the RTS Republic of Ireland Student Awards 2023 

Last Moments—Director of Photography/Colourist; Sense of May—Lighting; Robbie Rents a Room—Colourist/Set Photographer; Knick Knack—Colourist/Production Assistant/Set Photographer