


F*** the Ref

Johnathon Pearl explores the sickening amount of abuse GAA referees are receiving on a daily basis. 
The levels of abuse towards referees have risen to an alarming rate. Nearly every month there is a report that a referee has gotten physically assaulted, and the GAA have done absolutely nothing about it. After officiating an u17 game, a referee in Kilkenny was informed through a letter to his house, that someone had wish he ‘’would die roaring with cancer’’. 
While people might be shocked with this level of vitriol, it is going on all over the country and if it continues, we simply won’t have enough officials to control our games. 
I wanted to give referees a voice, to show how much abuse they do receive, how it can affect them, and if this abuse does continue what future the GAA has. 

F*** the Ref

Johnathon Pearl explores the sickening amount of abuse GAA referees are receiving on a daily basis. 
The levels of abuse towards referees have risen to an alarming rate. Nearly every month there is a report that a referee has gotten physically assaulted, and the GAA have done absolutely nothing about it. After officiating an u17 game, a referee in Kilkenny was informed through a letter to his house, that someone had wish he ‘’would die roaring with cancer’’. 
While people might be shocked with this level of vitriol, it is going on all over the country and if it continues, we simply won’t have enough officials to control our games. 
I wanted to give referees a voice, to show how much abuse they do receive, how it can affect them, and if this abuse does continue what future the GAA has.