Bébhinn Keegan
Project 2: Copper Existence
‘Copper Existence’ was a thought-provoking piece for a headwear exhibition. Like everything that you see is not always what you get.
The thought behind this piece was driven by the pressure from social media in the 21st-century to look and think a certain way. Social media and strategical cosmetic marketing are guilty of the repetitive subliminal messaging of keeping up appearances. Copper Existence is a piece made from copper tubing. I contorted the tubing to create a metal thinking bubble. The bandaged head depicts how people believe the false beauty standards they see online. Social media promotes a false plastic ideology that we should all look a certain way. This fascination that people of all ages feel they need to go under the knife to fit in with this false expectation. My conceptual piece represents the idea that Social Media platforms are driving this quick-fix image of cosmetic surgery now more than ever.