Talking Points

The process of venues catering towards club culture and night culture in Dublin being shut down and replaced by commercial venues and hotels is becoming increasingly frequent in the city. In the case of this essay, the venues that catered towards club culture will be looked at in terms of place and space. The hotels, which will replace the venues that were once home tonight and club culture in the city, will be looked at in terms of being non-places. By looking at these venues in terms of places and non-places, the process of cultural venues being replaced by venues such as hotels is looked at thus allowing for the consideration of the value that these venues are seen to have within the greater scope of Dublin. This is done by looking at how the hotels, or non-places, are replacing the venues that catered towards club and night culture in the city, which will be considered as places in this essay. This reveals that the club and night culture in the city is not valued as highly as venues such as hotels within the culture of the city at an official level as these hotels are prioritised over cultural venues.