Borislava Kirova

Borislava Kirova has been studying both Interior and Furniture design, but Furniture has been her major this final year. Her main interest is creating modern designs that stray from minimalism in their shape, forms, and colours. The area of hospitality (bars and clubs particularly) is where her interest has been sparked the most. She enjoys creating big dynamic concepts for interior spaces, experimenting with trends from different movements and arts, but she also finds spending time in the workshop working with her hands as one of the biggest rewards in the practice she has chosen.

The Luna Bar

Post-pandemic bars and their cocktail making are gaining more popularity than ever, not only through the customers but within the industry itself. Making cocktails is more complex than pouring pints, therefore the physical work is more and so is the time needed for the drink to be made and delivered to the customer on time. Currently bars work with what they have, and the staff is trying to adjust themselves to what they have to work with. As soon as this new tendency in the much bigger consumption of cocktails Is recognized so would be the proper design of bars.

Before the pandemic the design of bars would rarely take into consideration the ergonomics as a big support system for making cocktails, therefore a lot of them now cause a lot of physical (and mental) exhaustion and pain to the bartenders. This also leads to lower efficiency and profit-making. The “time-motion study” has been part of the research for this project.

Luna Bar is not the typical bar with rectangle units and wide elements, which cause the bartenders to constantly bend over and strain their backs, or stand on their toes, lift their shoulders too high, hit their knees/hips on sharp edges as moving through the bar, etc. Luna Bar is a group of curved modular units that are placed in order which allows the bartender as a performer to use as little physical effort as possible and concentrate on efficiency, the bar is also designed to allow maximum transparency for the customer to see the whole “performance”. The design is dynamic and the ergonomics within it are the priority in the concept. The units are removable and easy to clean, the whole structure is portable with an easy pipe system for wastage of liquids and water to clean shakers. The elements of the bar are designed in a simplified way in order to allow people to use it even at home without having the professional background of a bartender.

Little Ocean

The brief for this project was to design a modern inclusive educational space of early learning and care using the Universal design principles and create a safe environment for kids with different range of abilities and help them become more independent and involved in everyday life. This facility would be able to provide safe space for kids that are still not in school or for ones that have spare time after school hours. It would help them to improve their communication skills and independency regardless of their background and mental or physical abilities and disabilities. The overall design considers the small details that are important for inclusivity in design, but it is also devised in a way that looks appealing and accommodating to all.

The idea of this space is to create calming and appealing interior and exterior environment comforting children with all ranges of sensitivity and abilities. The concept of water is introduced as a way to realize that idea through the “flow” of the space and the furniture in it. A lot of curves and organic shapes are being introduced in the overall layout of each floor.

There are multiple ways that this concept is created not only as a visual that calms the people walking through the spaces, but it also incorporates different ways of wayfinding and navigating the user. There is floor and wall lights, and graphics introduced in each zone that requires it in order for any confusion or kids getting lost to be avoided.

A water wall void is introduced on the first two floors in order to provide a constant sound of flowing water and the vision of it constantly moving, which has proven to be very calming and relaxing, especially for kids that might have sensory issues. There is multiple rooms and areas with different functions to ensure variety and to include as many life skill development classes as possible. Some of those rooms are arts & crafts room, cooking classroom, botanical garden and zoo, swimming pool (with ramp 1:12 ratio and 2000mm width). There are also rooms for individual/small groups sessions and consultations, as well as sensory room and occupational therapy room. Canteen has also been included.