Holly Dunne

Holly Dunne is a well-humoured and motivated person. She has excellent organisation and communication skills and works well with people and as a member of a team. She is extremely ambitious, diligent and thrives working in a fast-paced environment in a professional environment. Holly is open to learning and enhancing her skills and adapting them to the required position. She is highly capable of meeting deadlines and achieving goals and is skilled in media, social and digital landscape. She is approachable, friendly, super creative and work great as part of a team as well as independently. She is extremely positive and hardworking.

Illustrated Landmarks of Dublin

The aim of this project is to create a booklet with 12 Dublin Landmarks shown through illustration. The booklet contains a biography and illustration of each landmark. It also includes a map showing the distance between each landmark.

It gives a view of these landmarks through my lens using distinctive colouring and Imagination giving a unique view of each one.

The target audience for this project is tourists. This booklet will be something for tourists to carry around Dublin with them and to bring back to their home.

Friends of the Elderly

Friends of the elderly is an Irish based charity. It was set up to bring friendship and companionship to older people living alone or who are feeling lonely and isolated. Founded in 1946 by Armand Marquiset, a French noble man who at the end of WWII saw first-hand the loneliness and isolation felt by older people due to the loss of family and friends.

The aim of this project was to increase awareness to a younger generation and to encourage them to help Friends of the Elderly by volunteering and reaching out to older people who might be struggling.

This project intends to make volunteers and members feel part of the community. By sharing their experiences in a positive way with the Friends of the Elderly through their website, the aim is that it will encourage more people to volunteer. ‘Just 24 minutes can change someone's 24 hours.

This projects outcome was to create posters which would get posted around town and universities, where it would meet the target audience. Online is also a touchpoint in this project, encouraging young people to share their experience volunteering through Instagram and the website.

A booklet was created which offers more about Friends of the Elderly and how to take part in it. Although the target audience is aimed at the younger generation, anyone can take part. Not everyone has a smartphone, so with the booklet they can get the same information as they would online.