Kate Glennon

I am a Dublin-based photographer, with an interest in exploring impacts and influences on identity formation. Most recently, I have been examining the role of place in relation to various aspects of personal identity as a direct response to the current housing crisis in Ireland. Though my work often changes between personal and non-personal documentary projects, one continuum in my practice is its aim to be evocative. To make the viewer contemplate their emotional response to the ideas I put forward. In a society where we create and choose what determines our online public identities, I aim to explore our private identities.

Room for None

Room for None was created in response to being unseen and unheard as a young person in Ireland suffering the consequences of the housing crisis. It presents the bedrooms of Irish people in their twenties, as they navigate the beginning of their adult lives while living in their family home. The transition from child to adult has happened in all other aspects of their lives, but they are still living in their childhood bedrooms.

Due to unaffordable rents and inflated property prices, this group has a sense of ownership and control over just one space. How they use this space, as a means of expression and livelihood, is represented in the following images and testimonies. They describe their current lives, living situations and plans for the future, with many believing that their only option is emigration.