Shannon McCarthy

Shannon is the type of person who aspires to be a successful business person someday. Shannon thrives on a challenge and creates goals for herself on a regular basis so that she has something to aim towards. Interior design gives her much enjoyment. She has learned to develop practical, safe, and visually appealing interiors throughout the last five years of her education, all while following relevant floor plans, building regulations, and universal design. She has a constant supply of motivation to perform her best. Shannon is always on the lookout for methods to improve and reach greatness.

Carrick Rehabilitation

The building I decided to use for my dissertation project was an office unit in Carrick on Shannon, Attirory, County Leitrim. I felt that the open space that surrounded the buildings would compliment my building's use of a patient hotel. I liked the modern look of the office units and thought the space was a reasonable size to re-design. The units are located close to Carrick on Shannon, a very popular and picturesque town that offers fantastic services and amenities to any interested parties.

The aim of the design project was to transform the contemporary office building at Attirory, Carrick on Shannon, Leitrim, into a relaxing patient/rehabilitation hotel, while providing accommodation and care for guests. The goal is to provide a comfortable place for guests to stay while waiting for care at the medical centre or needing outpatient care. Provide a safe area away from home where people can continue to recover throughout the recovery process. It will allow patients to heal in a relaxing atmosphere rather than the clinical healthcare environments they are used to in hospitals, while ensuring that they are secure in knowing that healthcare specialists are available on request. Staying here and recovering will be a great experience for guests, as will the possibility for family members to remain with them.