Ciara Dooley

Ciara Dooley is a creative and well-rounded freelance graphic designer from Dublin, who always had a keen interest in the creative field when she was younger and wanted to pursue a career and gain skills by studying visual communications. Having completed her course, Ciara has found a strong interest in editorial, illustration, publication, and product design. Using these skills and interests she's learnt over the years; Ciara will move on to gain more experience and work as a graphic designer.

Lighthouses of the world

This publication is in response to the ‘’Lighthouses of the world’’ brief for the ISTD competition. This project aims to make a publication to commemorate the beautiful and powerful Fastnet lighthouse located on the remote Fastnet Rock in County Cork. Ciara added her personal interest into the project and incorporated sailing into the publication. It includes incredibly rich culture and the historical events that Fastnet Lighthouse has seen through its years. The publication is in size Super Octavo and draws inspiration from sailing expeditions laid out on maps by using typographic dots to represent the journeys in each chapter. The bright orange colour that is used in the page breaks is associated with colours used in most sailing equipment as it has striking qualities.